Tell us what you thought about our visit. Pupil Questionnaire: DECISIONS


Coram Life Education would like you to fill in this short survey.

It will help us to understand what you have learnt and thought of the Coram Life Education visit and how we can improve the sessions.

Your answers will be anonymous - no one will be able to know who you are.

Thank you very much.

Coram Life Education

Are you a

Which year group are you in?

How many times have you visited Life Education before?

Have you used anything you learnt last time in your own life?

If YES please tell us what you have used

What did you think of the Life Education visit? Please tick one:

What was the most interesting thing for you?

Was there anything that you found boring?

You can use the box below to add any comments if you want to:

Please tell us what you found boring and why:

Have a look at these statements and decide whether you think they are TRUE or FALSE!

a. Legal drugs do not cause any harm.
b. All drugs (legal, illegal and medical) can be harmful if not used correctly.
c. Someone with a criminal record may have difficulty in getting a job and travelling to other countries.
d. It is illegal (against the law) to be in possession of cannabis (e.g. if someone has it in their pocket/bag/house etc.)
e. It is legal to sell cigarettes to anyone of any age.
f. Most 11 to 15 year-olds have never had a drink of alcohol (e.g. a whole can, bottle or glass).
g. There are fewer young people who drink alcohol now than 10 years ago.
h. It is best to be assertive by doing things like speaking clearly with a friendly and calm voice, repeating your points and explaining your reasons.

How much do you agree or disagree with these sentences?

As a result of our visit....Strongly agreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly disagree
a. I understand the risks of drinking alcohol.
b. I understand how others can influence the choices I make.
c. I understand that choices about alcohol (and other drugs) can be influenced by other people, including friends.
d. I understand better some of the laws about drugs.

What is the best thing to do if a friend is being mean to you? Please write your ideas in the box below:

What percentage of 11 to 15 year-olds in England do you think smoke regularly - that means at least one cigarette a week?

Do you think that what you have learnt and talked about will help you in the future?

Please explain your answer

Finally, would you like us to visit you again in the future?